The School By the Sea

The School By the Sea

Rediff.com13 Feb 2023

The school was run on strict Gandhian lines, with stress on students doing things themselves. Physical comforts were minimal, in keeping with the relatively backward geographical area. But it had a staff of teachers dedicated to educating their students, not just imparting them book-learning, remembers Shreekant Sambrani.

When Santa Wore A Red Sari

When Santa Wore A Red Sari

Rediff.com1 Feb 2023

The Budget oration of the finance minister and the confidence with which she delivered it, along with the measures and the recent upsurge in the economy would all contribute to unleashing the storied 'animal spirits' and help the economy run on the growth path quite smoothly. Or so the government hopes, notes Shreekant Sambrani.

The Big Mac Inflation Index

The Big Mac Inflation Index

Rediff.com23 Jan 2023

The ever-astute Ravi Matthai, Director of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in 1971, offered me a basic salary of Rs 1,000 per month on my return from the United States. I doubt if IIMA could hire a faculty member at Rs 55,000 per month today! points out Dr Shreekant Sambrani.

What BJP's Gujarat Win Proves

What BJP's Gujarat Win Proves

Rediff.com9 Dec 2022

What these elections prove beyond any doubt (if ever there was one) that Modi's hold over public mind and Shah's mastery of election management are unparalleled. It doesn't seem likely that they will be matched any time soon in the Indian political scene, reaffirms Shreekant Sambrani.

Trump Has Been Reined In For The Moment

Trump Has Been Reined In For The Moment

Rediff.com14 Nov 2022

But Trump is about to announce his candidacy for president in 2024. And it is not clear if Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, the present hero of disenchanted Republicans, or Biden, who says he might seek re-election (but will decide in 2023), can checkmate Trump, notes Shreekant Sambrani.

Elections Are MUST For Democracy

Elections Are MUST For Democracy

Rediff.com8 Nov 2022

Democracy is the heart of our body politic and elections are its life blood. Because there is some disease that affects it, we cannot apply leeches to drain it off, killing the body in the process, asserts Shreekant Sambrani.

Dilli Abhi Door Ast

Dilli Abhi Door Ast

Rediff.com17 Oct 2022

Regional films may have prevailed over the country, but regional leaders still have far mountains to climb to reach Delhi, asserts Shreekant Sambrani.

Can India Deal with Halahal In Amrit Kaal?

Can India Deal with Halahal In Amrit Kaal?

Rediff.com15 Aug 2022

We have our own problems for sure and they are not trivial, but for now, our economy is in not too bad a shape, our politics is as personality-driven and authoritarian as that of most countries in the world. We must make the best of what we have and not be excessively unhappy looking at the grass on the other side of the septic tank which may not be greener after all!, observes Shreekant Sambrani.

Why Was Agnipath Introduced Suddenly?

Why Was Agnipath Introduced Suddenly?

Rediff.com24 Jun 2022

Nobody bothered to articulate the upsides; instead, the four-year tour of duty and denial of life-long pensions got played up.
Job-seekers for government and related opportunities found that their future was at risk, points out Shreekant Sambrani.

Elections In The Time Of War

Elections In The Time Of War

Rediff.com12 Mar 2022

We used to hear of the Modi-Shah pair as the hyphenated top of the BJP leadership. Lately, the hyphen has disappeared and it is only Modi at the top. Yogi Adityanath gets honourable mentions, but he is still a good distance away from being anointed a worthy successor, observes Shreekant Sambrani.

Ukraine: So What Happens Now?

Ukraine: So What Happens Now?

Rediff.com26 Feb 2022

The Western world keeps talking, ratcheting up sanctions, the only thing it can do. The Russians march on to Kyiv and capture Zelensky and key members of his government as part of their 'de-Nazification' drive, predicts Shreekant Sambrani.

Go in peace, Lata didi

Go in peace, Lata didi

Rediff.com7 Feb 2022

We will continue to be enthralled by your golden oldies we grew up with, notes Shreekant Sambrani.

Ms Sitharaman, You FAILED Us On The Budget

Ms Sitharaman, You FAILED Us On The Budget

Rediff.com1 Feb 2022

This was the one Budget that required radical departures on all these fronts, when it had none, asserts, Shreekant Sambrani.

The sole supernova in Galaxy Bollywood

The sole supernova in Galaxy Bollywood

Rediff.com22 Jul 2021

No one deserves the title thespian more than Dilip Kumar, notes Shreekant Sambrani.

Budget: Nothing but Housekeeping

Budget: Nothing but Housekeeping

Rediff.com1 Feb 2021

The Budget would have been the perfect vehicle to introduce some bold initiatives.
That opportunity has been lost through this Budget, observes Shreekant Sambrani.

What the world expects from Biden

What the world expects from Biden

Rediff.com11 Nov 2020

It would be a huge achievement if the new administration manages a successful transition to some sense of domestic and international normalcy in these frantic times marked by the pandemic and rise of illiberal regimes across the world, observes Shreekant Sambrani.

Is there a way out of the gloom and doom?

Is there a way out of the gloom and doom?

Rediff.com2 Sep 2020

'The government has said it has kept its powder dry to fight the true battle against the debilitating influence of the pandemic.' 'The release of the shocking economic data this week should act as the fuse for using that powder now.' 'Further delays will make the battle that much harder,' notes Shreekant Sambrani.

India's Baahubali Captain

India's Baahubali Captain

Rediff.com18 Aug 2020

His cricketing brain, always sharp, was blessed with exceptional speed of information absorption and processing. He could quickly zero in on what needed to be done and use the element of surprise to overpower the opposition, observes Shreekant Sambrani.

Kamala Harris, the perfect foil for Biden

Kamala Harris, the perfect foil for Biden

Rediff.com14 Aug 2020

'There is room for cautious optimism following the Harris anointment that America will return this year to more normal politics after the aberration of the Trump presidency,' points out Shreekant Sambrani.

Sitharaman's Stimulus: Renovate a house in flames without dousing the fire!

Sitharaman's Stimulus: Renovate a house in flames without dousing the fire!

Rediff.com27 May 2020

'The stimulus message was tagged on to what was meant to be an exhortation to self-reliance, glossing over the near impossibility of merging the immediate requirement of relief for a huge population and a questionable strategy for the future trajectory of a large economy aspiring to superstardom,' points out Shreekant Sambrani.

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